October 31, 2016

Skincare, this is something I’ve definitely gotten more committed to over the past year or two, and is 100% something that needs more attention coming into the winter months. The mix of Ireland’s harsh, winter weather with the intense heating indoors really drys out our skin. I have combination skin, so for me I find it difficult to find products that will make my dry areas healthy without oiling up my t-zone too much. However just before the summer I started using Eucerin skincare products and I honestly have noticed the world of difference in my skin. I don’t wear a lot of make-up, I like to keep it as natural as possible, so having my skin in it’s best possible condition is important to me.

My life is so busy with working full time and running the blog that when I can take quick, easy way outs I do. But skincare is just one of those things that deserves the time, the quality products and the routine. A year ago I didn’t know where to start when it came to skincare, and if I could see myself now I would be so proud haha! Here are a list of the skincare rules I now live by:

  • After years of using facewipes – I really had to stop abusing my skin and give it a little bit more TLC. To remove my make-up now I use Eucerin Micellar water, toner and a night-time extra hydrating moisturizer. I also use the Aquaporin Active eye cream 2-3 times a week. I have quite sensitive eyes so this cream soothes them, relieving puffiness and dark circles. I have tried quite a few different eye balms and eye creams over the years, and there are a couple that I always come back to as they never let me down. This nighttime routine takes no more than 2 minutes – and leaves my skin feeling really clean and fresh (it didn’t always feel like this after wipes!)
  • Before I apply my make-up in the morning I use a dry skin Face-cream (pictured below) with an SPF in it. It’s crazy to think that UVA rays are still coming through the thick Irish clouds even on the wettest and windiest of days in the winter. These rays are the most damaging to our skin and cause aging – so you really do need to keep up the SPF habit in the winter too.
  • Although we are wrapped under layers upon layers all winter, you still can’t forget about your body. I try and moisturise in the shower using the UreaRepair Hydrating Body wash every time I shower. I also moisturise while damp afterwards – as this is when your body absorbs most moisture.
  • With all this talk about moisturising, there is one key step that has to come before it in order to really leave your skin looking bright, fresh and dewy – and that’s exfoliating! I use the Dermo Purifyer Scrub in the shower twice a week to really clear off any dead skin cells and to avoid leaving my skin rough or dull looking.
  • The last and final part of my skincare routine is hand cream. We sometimes forget about our poor hands but they are out in the harsh winter weather just as much as our faces are. I make sure to have a small bottle of hand cream in my handbag, on my desk at work and on my bedside table to ensure I apply a few times a day in the winter months.

I am quite religious when I find a product or brand that works for me – and Eucerin has improved my skin so much so I wanted to share this with you. I know that everyone’s skin is different so everyone might have different tips, tricks and products that work for them. Drop me a message if you have any tips for me or to let me know how you get on if you do try any of the products I mentioned.

Have a great week

Louise x

Photos by Brid O’Donovan Post Sponsored by Eucerin

Louise Cooney

Fashion, Lifestyle & Travel blogger from Limerick, Ireland.  

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